Get started

Here's a quick overview of TestFast. Follow along to get your app up and running.

Once you're done, start with this tutorial to launch your new idea in 5 minutes. Let's test your ideas FAST!

I strongly recommend you follow the tutorials in order.

Run your flutter app

  1. In your terminal, run the following commands one-by-one:
git clone [YOUR_APP_NAME]
flutter pub get
git remote remove origin
flutter run
  1. Go to the Supabase dashboard, create a new project and paste your 2 Supabase environment varibales SUPABASE_URL SUPABASE_ANON_KEY in services/supabase_configuration.dart
  2. Hot reload or restart your app to see your app. Done!

TestFast project structure

/screens → Screens (1 file = 1 screen)

/widgets → Components (1 file = 1 component)

/bloc → State management and logic (1 folder + bloc,event,state = feature)

/services → Helper functions

/models → Objects (1 file = 1 object)

config.dart file

This is where you configure your app. Each variable is documented for you to know how it's used. Please look at it thoroughly, it customizes your app

Now go ahead and follow this tutorial to get your new idea launched in 5 minutes!


Launch in 5 minutes

Learn how you can launch a new app in just 5 minutes.

Read more

User Authentication

Read about how to link your Supabase account to Twilio for user phone number verification.

Read more

Creating the social graph

Follow the steps to create a social graph and save months of development time.

Read more

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